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Frequently Asked Questions

Mississippi River Bridge South Greater Baton Rouge: LA 1 to LA 30 Connector


  • What is included with this project?
    The project’s scope is to create new access across the Mississippi River by constructing a new connector roadway between LA 1 and LA 30, which will include the construction of a new Mississippi River bridge.
  • Why does this project end at LA 1 and LA 30?
    The limits of the project were established to address specific needs in the study area, which include providing increased capacity and improved connectivity across the Mississippi River and providing an alternate route for emergency evacuations or in response to incident-related closures.
  • What is the expected outcome of this effort, and when will it be completed?
    The current effort will be completed in two parts. Part 1 was the Enhanced Planning portion scheduled for 2020-2022, which gathered relevant project information to identify and compare feasible alternative corridors. Part 2 is the Environmental Evaluation, slated for 2022-2024, which will produce an environmental document for federal review and approval. The Environmental Evaluation will identify a preferred alternative for the bridge’s location.
  • When will a new bridge be open to traffic?
    Environmental Evaluation must be completed before moving into design, real estate acquisition, and construction stages. Timing for construction is heavily dependent upon funding availability and construction delivery model, but the soonest a new bridge could be open to traffic is estimated to be 2031.
  • What is the anticipated funding model if this project comes to fruition?
    A multitude of funding sources will be needed to deliver a project of this magnitude. Funding sources include state and federal program funds, special state and federal investments (such as surplus funds or discretionary grants), local government funds, and private equity. To take advantage of private equity investment, the State anticipates using a public-private partnership (P3) construction delivery model for the bridge. In this model, a private developer funds a sizable portion of the upfront project cost and recoups their investment on the back end through toll collections.
  • Are you evaluating the routes people will use to get to the bridge along with the crossing locations?
    The traffic modeling and analysis performed with this project accounts for movements to and from each of the potential bridge locations. The models are built using the highway network included in the Capital Region Planning Commission’s long-range plan (MOVE 2042). The evaluation considers impacts to the overall travel time in the network, which includes the routes used to access the bridge.
  • Are there plans to build expressway connector roads from the ends of the project at LA 1 and LA 30 to Interstate 10? What is being done to prepare for future connectivity to this project?
    The project as proposed does not include the study of a connection to I-10; however, the need to facilitate movement of traffic to and from the bridge is an obvious consequence of its construction. In preparation for future connectivity, area-wide traffic modeling being performed with this effort incorporates projected travel origin and destination data and will identify the most likely routes used to accomplish those trips. In turn, this information can be used to further justify existing capacity projects in the region and identify other projects necessary to maximize the benefit realized from the construction of this project. The LA DOTD is committed to improving connectivity throughout the region and continues to strive toward that goal through multiple projects.
  • When and how will the public be able to offer input on this project?
    Individuals with questions or comments can submit these on the “Contact Us” page of the project website at throughout the life of the project. Initial public input opportunities for the general public were offered in Spring 2022, when the multiple alternative corridors under review were made available for commenting online and in public meetings across the impacted parishes. As the project moves into the next phase, additional public input opportunities will be offered as three alternatives are reviewed in order to select one preferred alternative. To receive updates about these efforts, please be sure you are signed up for email updates on the website.
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